Monday, 26 January 2015

Jump across time and Newtonian God

Recently i had an assignment where we had to write about the jump across time and newtonian god. Here jump acrosss time means to think of past or future, and not a time travel kind of thing ( Something on time travel later someday).
So this is what i wrote...

"Jump across time is something we all do and each of the living organism does that day and night.
First we need to think what actually is a time jump. Time jump is something which allows us to think of a moment except for the present moment. What i believe is that the state of our mind during a time jump is very different of the usual thinking. All the neurons in our brain are acting as if they were present in that moment, thats why we get happy when we think of a nice moment (and also the harmones related to happiness are released) , we also get angry when we think of a moment when somebody did wrong to us (and then also harmones related to anger are released in our body) simply by thinking of that moment. So this proves that every neuron acts like it is acting in that particular moment during the time jump. Basically our mind has shifted from one state to all together a different state , the state which was present in that moment(in case of past) or the state which we expect to be there (in case of future).
If we say that our brain is nothing but a turing machine with somewhere around 100 billion neurons, each of which represent a variable. Each neuron can take only two values that is 1 or 0 (on or off).
So now we have a turing machine with 100 billion machine state variables. So the possible number for the number of states our brain can take is 2^100 billion. We can say that time jump is a program on that turing machine which takes that machine from one state to the another, as any other program does.
Having explain the model of the brain , now the question arises , what is the program which leads to time jump, who writes this program of time jump, and under which conditions is it run. I guess this is where the concept of god comes into play, as newton denied the existence of god in every being as the soul, so we know for sure that god does not load this program for sure. So we can conclude that we have the power to load that program. But who wrote that program, here newtonian god allows us to give this credits to him. The newtonian god has already written the program for time jump, he has also compiled it , what we need to do is to run it and give the input that which moment we want to jump to, and there we are , the state of mind changes to that paticular moment.
If we see like this , then yes the concept of newtonian god allows for time jump."

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