Tuesday, 30 December 2014

The Fake music...

The fake music, yes this is the word which is often used by many of our old age musicians and even listeners to describe our new age music. The only things i can say to these kind of comments is that maybe they just forgot the definition of music and want to state their work and choice superior to ours whereas we continue to respect and love their music. This shows how narrow we become while judging somebody else's work.
What makes them say these kind of comments. They say that these days they don't create the real music the young musicians just play with some machines and as a result some noise is created which today's generation think to be music.
I think this attitude to call our music fake and noise is absolutely very narrow minded. This is not a real artist's attitude. The artist respects the art because of the quality of the art but not the source of the art. I agree that most of the music created these days is created using sophisticated machinery but yeah the art is still the same. These sophisticated machines can not create new compositions on their own. The main reason for which we like any track ie: the composition of that track is still a work of an artist. Similarly these machines cant create their own lyrics , its still the work of an artist.
I think there is really no reason that we should call today's music as fake because still a lot of effort and skill is required by an artist to create a song. And yeah  until people stop liking what is being created we have no reason to disrespect what is being created. 

Tuesday, 23 December 2014


This is one of the words i hate. I sometimes wonder where did this word came into existence and the river of my thoughts make me believe, its just one of the ways to explain a failure without taking responsibility for it. I guess this word gives people a chance to clean their hands off their mistakes (well , mistakes arent so bad, a post on that topic some day later).
Most of the times luck is blamed for failure when the person who has failed does not has the guts to take responsibility for it. Whenever a student fails in his exam he simply says "my luck wasnt good enough" , and yeah sometimes his parents too will support him so that he doesnt feel demoralised. But the truth is there is nothing such is luck. There is a person who scores a 100. I am not saying that failing is bad but what i say is that not taking the responsibility of your failure is pretty unhealthy. I myself could'nt get into IIT, and i do not blame my luck for that (i guess the universe has much usefull things to do rather than to decide my career), i simply accepted the failure and also took the complete responsibility for it. I told my parents that yes i did not work hard enough, i did not study much.
Whenever i say these things to anybody people do go mad on me for blaming them for their failures but i think the use of this word makes people feel helpless and complacent. Helpless in the sense that you will believe that whats the point in working hard anyways if my luck is bad and i am going to fail, and complacent in the sense that you may believe that since my luck is good enough so whats the need to work hard.
What i believe is that person should stop being dependant on things like luck and be self dependant, after all their is nothing we cant achieve. Think what would have happened if Bill Gates would have thought that he need not do anything, if his luck is good enough he will get microsoft anyway. So go people, blame the luck less and work hard...